Which weeds are you watering? Notice the wording of the question. It doesn't ask if you are watering weeds. The question assumes that you are watering weeds. It doesn't imply that you should or shouldn't be watering weeds. That is up to you to figure out. The question simply asks for awareness of, and self-reflection … Continue reading Which Weeds Are You Watering?
Shadow Boxing
In the previous post, Shifting Shadows, I wrote about how we can identify and work with our own shadows. In essence, the shadow is composed of those parts of our personality that we hide from the world and possibly from ourselves.For some people, the shadow has characteristics of extreme anger, jealousy, greed, neediness, ignorance, etc. … Continue reading Shadow Boxing
Shifting Shadows
What if the doorway to lasting freedom, peace, and happiness was at the end of a long, dimly lit hallway? You can't see the door, but you've heard that it's there. All you can see are strange, shifting shadows. Some of these shadows are familiar, but others are not. You look around and notice that there … Continue reading Shifting Shadows
There’s a Reason Why Basics are Basics
Have you ever wondered why we are seeing this "back to basics" movement in areas like education, healthcare, and nutrition? Do we really want to go back to basics? In order to go back to basics, we have to accept that the whole system is integrated. We can no longer work on isolated parts of … Continue reading There’s a Reason Why Basics are Basics
Looking For The Positive
Life is full of experiences. The way we interpret the meaning of those experiences is up to each of us. Just like we all have different preferences in music and food, we also have different ways of understanding the people and events that happen around us. A few weeks ago, I started to feel frustrated. … Continue reading Looking For The Positive
Four Tips for Riding the Wave of “13 Reasons Why”
If you haven't seen or heard of 13 Reasons Why, chances are you haven't talked to enough teenagers over the past few weeks. This series, based on the book by Jay Asher, has become a powerful force in the lives of our young people. They are watching it, reading it, and talking about it. It is up … Continue reading Four Tips for Riding the Wave of “13 Reasons Why”
Stop Pushing the Same Rock Up the Same Hill
Do you ever find yourself feeling frustrated when you really want to feel fulfilled and happy? A few years ago, I was very frustrated with my job. I felt like I was close to getting burned out. I know all the signs, but that doesn't mean that I'm immune to feeling easily fatigued, being short … Continue reading Stop Pushing the Same Rock Up the Same Hill
Don’t Let Your Past Dictate Your Future
Have you heard the saying, "there are two sides to every story?" One of my students corrected me the other day. He informed me that there are at least three sides to every story: my side, your side, and the truth. I believe he was right. Embracing the Story Our memories are the stories we … Continue reading Don’t Let Your Past Dictate Your Future
Ignorance Is Bliss, … Until It Isn’t
Do you remember the last time you tried to learn something new? Chances are you went through a typical process: you realized that what you were doing wasn't working and you needed to do something different, you struggled for a while, and then finally it all came together. The realization that you got it, that … Continue reading Ignorance Is Bliss, … Until It Isn’t
“13 Reasons Why” Should Be Required
Do you remember middle school and high school? For most people, these were not the best years of their lives. Maybe you are one of the few who would say that your teenage years were amazing. Or, maybe you were more like the rest of the people I know who wouldn't go back to that … Continue reading “13 Reasons Why” Should Be Required