Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Destiny

Did you know that your beliefs determine your reality? Your brain takes information from your senses, combines those sensations with your memories, and double-checks all of that against your beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. Your beliefs act like filters that let certain things in and keep other things out. Anything that aligns with … Continue reading Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Destiny

Ignorance Is Bliss, … Until It Isn’t 

Do you remember the last time you tried to learn something new? Chances are you went through a typical process: you realized that what you were doing wasn't working and you needed to do something different, you struggled for a while, and then finally it all came together. The realization that you got it, that … Continue reading Ignorance Is Bliss, … Until It Isn’t 

Confirmation Bias: The Power of Our Beliefs

Why take the time to figure out what we believe? Whether we are aware of them or not, our beliefs about a specific area can greatly impact the assumptions that support those beliefs and the values we hold that are based on those beliefs. Our beliefs guide our thoughts and behaviors. We tend to look for or create situations that … Continue reading Confirmation Bias: The Power of Our Beliefs

Backward Logic: Why who you are matters

The caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland asks Alice a very important question, "Who are you?" Alice can't answer him. She doesn't know who she is. Alice has experienced so many changes that she is no longer sure of anything. I've asked people this same question. Their answers reveal a lot about what is important and what fuels … Continue reading Backward Logic: Why who you are matters

When you assume, you make…

When you assume, you make... We all know how that statement usually ends, but do you know why assumptions are so important to our daily lives? The assumptions we hold about ourselves, others, and the world can make or break our efforts to live an authentic life and be the best version of ourselves that … Continue reading When you assume, you make…

Being Gentle with Emotions

Is "sangry" a word? It depends on who you ask. My Gordon students and I decided that if "hangry" could be an adjective and "Google" could be a verb, then "sangry" should have a place at the table too.  I needed this word a few days ago. I just could not figure out how I … Continue reading Being Gentle with Emotions

It’s All About Perspective

Have you ever had one of those days where everything that could go "wrong," does go wrong? Well, I have. In fact, I've had many of those days. But, I've also had days where everything seems to go "right." The other day I was having a conversation with a couple of people. We were trying … Continue reading It’s All About Perspective

How Are You Doing?

It's common to walk past someone and say, "Hey, how are you?" Usually, we just keep walking without even waiting for an answer. I wonder if we ever ask ourselves how we are doing. When we do ask, do we stop to receive the answer? Developing self-awareness will help you begin to recognize the things … Continue reading How Are You Doing?