What’s in Your Box?

“The level of healing and depth that you can provide for another is completely dependent on the level and depth of healing that you have gone into yourself.”Sajah Popham December 2017 Teaching about dissociation and depersonalization is not easy. The media has sensationalized these serious mental health concerns. Our trauma-obsessed society has turned a defense … Continue reading What’s in Your Box?

Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Destiny

Did you know that your beliefs determine your reality? Your brain takes information from your senses, combines those sensations with your memories, and double-checks all of that against your beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. Your beliefs act like filters that let certain things in and keep other things out. Anything that aligns with … Continue reading Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Destiny

Intentions for 2018

What are your intentions for this year? New year, new you? Good luck with that. My intentions are a little closer to where I am right now. New year, same me, different focus. I've learned that it is much easier to make incremental changes than it is to attempt an entire re-creation of myself. Maybe you're … Continue reading Intentions for 2018

Powerful Questions

Can you remember the last time someone asked you a question that changed the way you see everything? Maybe this is the question that changes things. If not, maybe this post will encourage you to start looking for those questions. There are some questions that can be answered rather quickly, usually with a yes or … Continue reading Powerful Questions

Stress is a Process

“People are disturbed not by a thing, but by their perception of a thing.” — Epictetus Stress is a process. Unfortunately, many of us don't know how that process works in our own lives, much less where and how to intervene in order to change the outcome of the process. Did you know that about … Continue reading Stress is a Process

I’ll Be Happy When…

I'll be happy when I'm 25. Then I will be out of college, married, and have a stable career. That seems crazy, right? Well, in my 17-year-old mind, it seemed like a logical conclusion. I thought that adults had it all figured out. The age of 25 came and went. I achieved those goals, but … Continue reading I’ll Be Happy When…

Which Weeds Are You Watering?

Which weeds are you watering? Notice the wording of the question. It doesn't ask if you are watering weeds. The question assumes that you are watering weeds. It doesn't imply that you should or shouldn't be watering weeds. That is up to you to figure out. The question simply asks for awareness of, and self-reflection … Continue reading Which Weeds Are You Watering?

Looking For The Positive

Life is full of experiences. The way we interpret the meaning of those experiences is up to each of us. Just like we all have different preferences in music and food, we also have different ways of understanding the people and events that happen around us. A few weeks ago, I started to feel frustrated. … Continue reading Looking For The Positive

Four Tips for Riding the Wave of “13 Reasons Why”

If you haven't seen or heard of 13 Reasons Why, chances are you haven't talked to enough teenagers over the past few weeks. This series, based on the book by Jay Asher, has become a powerful force in the lives of our young people. They are watching it, reading it, and talking about it. It is up … Continue reading Four Tips for Riding the Wave of “13 Reasons Why”

Stop Pushing the Same Rock Up the Same Hill

Do you ever find yourself feeling frustrated when you really want to feel fulfilled and happy? A few years ago, I was very frustrated with my job. I felt like I was close to getting burned out. I know all the signs, but that doesn't mean that I'm immune to feeling easily fatigued, being short … Continue reading Stop Pushing the Same Rock Up the Same Hill